Andrew Timberlake Andrew Timberlake

Hi, I’m Andrew, a programer and entrepreneur from South Africa, founder of Sitesure for monitoring websites, APIs, and background jobs.
Thanks for visiting and reading.

Add a tooltip component to Phoenix

This post will show you how to add a custom tooltip component to your Phoenix project that uses the PopperJS library.

You can view all the code in a simple project on Github. See a diff from the initial install at 922ecca..30e278a

This post wil also demonstrate how to incorporate any Javascript library that requires bindings to an element. In Phoenix that is done through Hooks.

The Component

In the CoreComponents module, we have a tooltip component. I have defined a class attribute to allow style overrides, but with a defaults of nil so it’s not required
I have also defined a slot which will take the content of the tooltip. The HTML of the tooltip is just a div element. This element has the phx-hook attribute which tells Phoenix which set of hooks to bind this element with (more under Javascript).
Every element that is bound with hooks requires an id. Because we need to use tooltips easily, I have added a random ID generated through a random_id/1 function. The function takes a prefix just to help avoid collisions, even though we’re using random bytes. The end result looks like this <div id="tt_F3P5wcGhyQA"…

defmodule PhoenixTooltipsWeb.CoreComponents do
  # ...
  attr :class, :string, default: nil
  slot :inner_block, required: true

  def tooltip(assigns) do
    <div id={random_id("tt")} class={["tooltip", @class]} role="tooltip" phx-hook="TooltipHook">
      <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>
      <div class="arrow" data-popper-arrow></div>

  def random_id(prefix) do
    prefix <> "_" <> (:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8) |> Base.url_encode64(padding: false))
  # ...

The Live View

Every demonstration needs a contrived example. Here I am producing a grid of HTML colours using the HTML standard colour names. The block is a colour and the tooltip is the name of the colour.

defmodule PhoenixTooltipsWeb.PageLive do
  use PhoenixTooltipsWeb, :live_view

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    {:ok, assign(socket, :color_names, color_names())}

  def color_names() do

The Heex template iterates through all the colour names and adds a button (so you can see the tooltip on focus/blur) with the colour as the background and a tooltip with the colour name as it’s text.

<div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4">
  <%= for color <- @color_names do %>
    <button class="h-16 rounded-none" style={"background-color:#{color}"}>
      <.tooltip class="px-4 py-2 font-medium text-white bg-black border border-white rounded-md">
        <%= color %>
  <% end %>


The CSS is almost directly from the PopperJS tutorial.
The .tooltip class (included in the component by default) is initially set to display:none and then, when given the data-show attribute, is set to display:block. The rest is the styling of the arrow and it’s position.

.tooltip {
  display: none;

.tooltip[data-show] {
  display: block;

.tooltip > .arrow,
.tooltip > .arrow:before {
  position: absolute;
  width: 8px;
  height: 8px;
  background: inherit;
  border: inherit;
  border-bottom: none;
  border-right: none;

.tooltip > .arrow {
  visibility: hidden;

.tooltip > .arrow::before {
  visibility: visible;
  content: '';
  transform: rotate(45deg);

.tooltip[data-popper-placement^='top'] > .arrow {
  bottom: -5.5px;

.tooltip[data-popper-placement^='bottom'] > .arrow {
  top: -5.5px;

.tooltip[data-popper-placement^='left'] > .arrow {
  right: -5.5px;

.tooltip[data-popper-placement^='right'] > .arrow {
  left: -5.5px;

The Javascript

The first step is to install the PopperJS library via npm. the --prefix assets is needed to place the node related files in the assets/ directory.

$ npm install @popperjs/core --prefix assets

I have created a Tooltip javascript class to manage the lifescycle of the tooltip. This can be pasted into the top of your app.js file or in it’s own file and imported into app.js

The constructor sets up the tooltip by creating a popperInstance, linking the tooltip element to it’s parent, and setting event listeners on the parent to show/hide the tooltip. For this example we are using mouseenter and focus to show the tooltip and mouseleave and blur to hide it. The class also stores destructors so that event lsiteners are removed when the tooltip is removed from the DOM (preventing possible memory leaks).

import { createPopper } from '@popperjs/core';

// A class to manage the tooltip lifecycle.
class Tooltip {
  showEvents = ['mouseenter', 'focus'];
  hideEvents = ['mouseleave', 'blur'];

  constructor($tooltip) {
    this.$tooltip = $tooltip;
    this.$parent = $tooltip.parentElement;
    this.popperInstance = createPopper(this.$parent, $tooltip, {
      modifiers: [
          name: 'offset',
          options: {
            offset: [0, -8],
    this.destructors = [];

    // For each show event, add an event listener on the parent element
    //   and store a destructor to call removeEventListener
    //   when the tooltip is destroyed.
    this.showEvents.forEach((event) => {
      const callback =;
      this.$parent.addEventListener(event, callback);
      this.destructors.push(() =>
        this.$parent.removeEventListener(event, callback)

    // For each hide event, add an event listener on the parent element
    //   and store a destructor to call removeEventListener
    //   when the tooltip is destroyed.
    this.hideEvents.forEach((event) => {
      const callback = this.hide.bind(this);
      this.$parent.addEventListener(event, callback);
      this.destructors.push(() =>
        this.$parent.removeEventListener(event, callback)

  // The show method adds the data-show attribute to the tooltip element,
  //   which makes it visible (see CSS).
  show() {
    this.$tooltip.setAttribute('data-show', '');

  // Update the popper instance so the tooltip position is recalculated.
  update() {

  // The hide method removes the data-show attribute from the tooltip element,
  //   which makes it invisible (see CSS).
  hide() {

  // The destroy method removes all event listeners
  //   and destroys the popper instance.
  destroy() {
    this.destructors.forEach((destructor) => destructor());

Phoenix Hooks are where the magic happens.

Our TooltipHook listens for three of the six possible lifecycle hooks.

Important: You need to update the let liveSocket = … line in app.js and add , hooks: Hooks which is not there by default.

// ...
const Hooks = {
  TooltipHook: {
    mounted() {
      this.el.tooltip = new Tooltip(this.el);
    updated() {
    destroyed() {

// ...
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket('/live', Socket, {
  params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken },
  // add the Hooks object
  hooks: Hooks,
// ...

By using Phoenix Client hooks we are able to connect the element of a component to a Javascript client library, add event listeners, and provide custom interaction.

See all the code on Github.

12 Sep 2023

Append items to a sorted collection in Backbone.js

I won’t cover all the boiler plate code but you can view that at JSFiddle The project is a ListItem model and a corresponding ListCollection. There is a ListItemView which is compiled into a ListView to create an ordered list. There is a FormView used for adding items to the collection.

The first component of our code is the comparator in the collection which keeps the list sorted by name.

var ListCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
  model: ListItem,
  comparator: function(item) {
    return item.get('name').toLowerCase();

With this a simple render method will always have the list in order but it needs to redraw the list every time the collection is updated. Simply bind the add event to this.render and you’re done.

  initialize: function() {
    this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
  render: function() {
    var items = [];
    this.collection.each(function(item) {
      items.push((new ListItemView({model: item})).render().el);
    return this;

What if we have a list that is more complicated or we want to display the item being added. For this we need a couple of things.

  1. Split the creation of the item view out into its own factory method
  2. Call the factory method when building the initial list within render
  3. Create a new addItem method which will append the item to the list
  4. Change our event binding to this.addItem
  initialize: function() {
    this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.addItem);
  render: function() {
    var self = this;
    var items = [];
    this.collection.each(function(item) {
    return this;
  addItem: function(item) {
    var $view = this.buildItemView(item).render().$el;
  buildItemView: function(item) {
    return new ListItemView({model: item});

The problem now is that we’re using jQuery’s append which adds the item view to the end of the list negating the work of the comparator in our Backbone collection. What we need now is a way to insert the new item into the list at the correct index. For that we’ll need at add an insertAt method to jQuery. This new method will take an index and an element and it will place it into the childNodes collection at the correct index.

  insertAt: function(index, element) {
    var lastIndex = this.children().size();
    if(index < lastIndex) {
    } else {
    return this;

Now we can update our addItem method to calculate the index of the new item and then add it into the list at that index.

  addItem: function(item) {
    // Get the index of the newly added item
    var index = this.collection.indexOf(item);
    // Build a view for the item
    var $view = this.buildItemView(item).render().$el;
    // Insert the view at the same index in the list
    this.$el.insertAt(index, $view.hide().fadeIn());

The final working product is embedded here:

29 Jun 2015