Andrew Timberlake Andrew Timberlake

Hi, I’m Andrew, a programmer and entrepreneur from South Africa,
building Mailcast for taking control of your email.
Thanks for visiting and reading.

How to use the datetime-local input type with timezone in a Phoenix LiveView

How to get a users timezone when using the datetime-local input type in a Phoenix LiveView.

21 Aug 2024

How to respond to channel broadcasts in a Phoenix LiveView app layout (global broadcasts)

How do you respond to channel broadcasts in a Phoenix LiveView app layout? You need a way to subscribe across all LiveViews.

17 Jul 2024

How to update URL params in a Phoenix LiveView

How do you push an update to a single query string param without changing other params in the url or even being aware of the url or its query string. I’ll explain how to build a filter toggle component and tag list component that maintain state in the query string while updating state in the LiveView.

7 Jun 2024