I am a full stack programmer with a focus on Elixir, Ember, and Postgresql
These are a couple of the projects I’ve been working on.
Debtflow is a web-based debt collection system that focusses on automating as much of the process as possible. We try to free agents from the mundane management of their accounts and free them to make more phone calls.
This projects is build with Elixir and Ember, runs on Amazon AWS and uses Postgresql on the backend.
Chrome Extensions
- Write Brain, Grammar correction and easy writing assistance using AI.
- Copy Link, Copy selected text with the page URL as either a Markdown link ⌃+⇧+C or an HTML link ⌥+⇧+C
Mobile Apps
- BBFF - BeatBuddy Friends Forever, A mobile app on iOS and Android that controls the BeatBuddy pedal via MIDI
Web Apps
- BBFF - BeatBuddy Friends Forever, A complete editor for building and managing songs on the BeatBuddy. This is a full-featured MIDI track editor specific for working with the BeatBuddy song format.
Open Source Libraries
- bamboo_sparkpost, A Bamboo adapter for Sparkpost email service
- elixir-pdf, PDF generation for Elixir
- mailroom, Mail handling for Elixir
- sham, An Elixir mock HTTP(S) server useful for testing HTTP(S) clients.
- shorthand, Convenience macros to eliminate laborious typing.
- trunk, 📦 A file attachment/storage library for Elixir 📎