How to use the datetime-local input type with timezone in a Phoenix LiveView
How to get a users timezone when using the datetime-local input type in a Phoenix LiveView.
Hi, I’m Andrew, a programer and entrepreneur from South Africa, founder of
for monitoring websites, APIs, and background jobs.
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How to get a users timezone when using the datetime-local input type in a Phoenix LiveView.
How do you respond to channel broadcasts in a Phoenix LiveView app layout? You need a way to subscribe across all LiveViews.
How do you push an update to a single query string param without changing other params in the url or even being aware of the url or its query string. I’ll explain how to build a filter toggle component and tag list component that maintain state in the query string while updating state in the LiveView.
Phoenix comes with Heroicons built-in. If you want to change to using another icon library, like Fontawesome, it can be done quite easily with a few small changes. This post will show you the steps needed so the <.icon /> component works with Fontawesome.
How to add a tooltip component to your Phoenix app using PopperJS. Learn how to connect client-side javascript when elements are added and removed from the DOM.
How to create short functions that can be called directly in your Elixir iex session
In Elixir code_change/3 is the callback that allows you to upgrade state in a GenServer process during a hot-code upgrade—but it didn’t work for me. Understanding how the erlang release handler finds processes to update helped me to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it.
How to change the Webpack configuration in Phoenix 1.4 from CSS to using SASS/SCSS
Getting started with Phoenix 1.4 is really quite easy.
Enable Repo.count(query) in Ecto