Andrew Timberlake Andrew Timberlake

Hi, I’m Andrew, a programmer and entrepreneur from South Africa,
building Mailcast for taking control of your email.
Thanks for visiting and reading.

Looping with Fibers

I needed to loop over a fairly large data set and group it by year and month. In this post I walk through using two Ruby Fibers which communicate between each other in order to do in-loop grouping

9 Mar 2014

How to Add Subscribers to a MailChimp List With Ruby

An example of how to use the MailChimp API and their official mailchimp-api gem to add a subscriber to a mailing list.

11 Feb 2014

Potential security hole authorising modules in CanCan

Just some thoughts on how CanCan didn't work as I expected. Whether design or bug, it's worth checking out how modules are handled.

6 Nov 2013

How to protect downloads but still have nginx serve the files

Protect access to your files in Rails but still have Nginx serve the file efficiently

1 Dec 2010