Andrew Timberlake Andrew Timberlake

Hi, I’m Andrew, a programmer and entrepreneur from South Africa,
building Mailcast for taking control of your email.
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How to Add Subscribers to a MailChimp List With Ruby

I’m working on an app that creates user accounts and (optionally) subscribes users to our mailing list. Because I’m handling user creation in my app, I need some way to add them to the mailing list which is hosted on MailChimp. To do this, I am using their API to send through subscriber information.

The documentation for the ruby gem is not great. You have a few choices:

Below is some sample code that will get you started.

Install the mailchimp-api gem

> gem install mailchimp-api
# or
> echo 'gem "mailchimp-api", require: false' >> Gemfile
> bundle install

Get your MailChimp API Key

In MailChimp, go to your account settings page, click Extras and API Keys. If you don’t have an API key yet, click Create A Key.

Get your MailChimp list ID

Every list has a unique ID which is needed to add subscribers to the correct list. Got to Lists, Click on your list name, Click Settings and List name & defaults. On the right you’ll see your List ID (a 10 character hex code).

The code

require 'mailchimp' # The gem name is mailchimp-api but you require mailchimp

module MailChimpSubscription
  # These should prabably be environment variables or configuration variables
  MAIL_CHIMP_API_KEY = "0000000001234567890_us1"
  MAIL_CHIMP_LIST_ID = "abcdef1234"
  extend self

  def subscribe(user)
                               # The email field is a struct that can use an
                               #    email address or two MailChimp specific list ids (see API docs)
                               # Set your merge vars here
                               {'FNAME' => user.first_name, 'LNAME' => user.last_name})
    rescue Mailchimp::ListAlreadySubscribedError
      # Decide what to do if the user is already subscribed
    rescue Mailchimp::ListDoesNotExistError => e
      # This is definitely a problem I want to know about
      raise e
    rescue Mailchimp::Error => e
      # Unforeseen errors that need to be dealt with

  def mail_chimp
    @mail_chimp ||=

To use this module, you pass in a user object that responds to #email, #first_name and #last_name

user = '', first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe')

Final thoughts

It’s probably a good idea to put mailing list subscription into a background job so that you don’t slow down your user creation response time. You can also handle transient errors, retry failed attempts etc.

11 Feb 2014

I’m available for hire, whether you need an hour to help you work through a particular problem, or help with a larger project.

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