Install from source using Ansible
Building an Ansbile play that will build a project (in this case Ruby) from source
Hi, I’m Andrew, a programmer and entrepreneur from South Africa,
for taking control of your email.
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Building an Ansbile play that will build a project (in this case Ruby) from source
A quick tip to make it easier to use Dead Man's Snitch with the whenever gem
Hash#clean, a monkey patch to provide easy, Array#map like access to hash values to update them inline.
How to ignore blank lines when parsing a csv file with ruby's CSV parser.
I needed to loop over a fairly large data set and group it by year and month. In this post I walk through using two Ruby Fibers which communicate between each other in order to do in-loop grouping
An example of how to use the MailChimp API and their official mailchimp-api gem to add a subscriber to a mailing list.
Just some thoughts on how CanCan didn't work as I expected. Whether design or bug, it's worth checking out how modules are handled.
Protect access to your files in Rails but still have Nginx serve the file efficiently