Benchmarking in Elixir
Appending to a list in Elixir ([1] ++ [2]
) is slower than prepending and reversing
[ 2 | [1] ] |> Enum.reverse
but how bad is it?
Start by creating a new project, mix new benchmarking
and add benchfella as a dependency in your mix.exs file
defp deps do
[{:benchfella, "~> 0.3.2"}]
and run mix deps.get
benchmarks work similarly to tests. Create a directory named bench
and then create a file ending in _bench.exs
. Benchfella will find these files and run them.
Create a file bench/list_append_bench.exs
We will write our functions in the bench file but you can reference functions in another module to benchmark your project code.
This benchmark will test three different ways to build a list, (1) append each element to the list using ++
, (2) build up the list using a recursive tail where the element is added to the head but the tail is built up recursively, and (3) prepending the element to a list accumulator and then reversing the list at the end.
defmodule ListAppendBench do
use Benchfella
@length 1_000
# First bench mark
bench "list1 ++ list2" do
build_list_append(1, @length)
# Second bench mark
bench "[head | recurse ]" do
build_list_recursive_tail(1, @length)
# Third bench mark
bench "[head | tail] + Enum.reverse" do
build_list_prepend(1, @length)
@doc """
Build a list of numbers from `num` to `total` by appending each item
to the end of the list
def build_list_append(num, total, acc \\ [])
def build_list_append(total, total, acc), do: acc
def build_list_append(num, total, acc) do
acc = acc ++ [num]
next_num = num + 1
build_list_append(next_num, total, acc)
@doc """
Build a list of numbers from `num` to `total` by building
the list with a recursive tail instead of using an accumulator
def build_list_recursive_tail(total, total), do: []
def build_list_recursive_tail(num, total) do
[ num | build_list_recursive_tail(num + 1, total) ]
@doc """
Build a list of numbers from `num` to `total` by prepending each item
and reversing the list at the end
def build_list_prepend(num, total, acc \\ [])
def build_list_prepend(total, total, acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc)
def build_list_prepend(num, total, acc) do
acc = [num | acc]
next_num = num + 1
build_list_prepend(next_num, total, acc)
Run the benchmark with mix bench
and you see the results,
duration: 1.0 s
## ListAppendBench
[10:15:32] 1/3: list1 ++ list2
[10:15:34] 2/3: [head | tail] + Enum.reverse
[10:15:37] 3/3: [head | recurse ]
Finished in 6.66 seconds
## ListAppendBench
[head | tail] + Enum.reverse 100000 20.87 µs/op
[head | recurse ] 100000 21.25 µs/op
list1 ++ list2 500 3228.16 µs/op
The results: prepending to a list and reversing it is 200 times faster than appending and only fractionally faster than building the tail recursively.
For more complex benchmarks, Benchfella
has various hooks for test setup and teardown.
It also has ability to compare benchmark runs with mix bench.cmp
and graph the results with mix bench.graph